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"코리아타임스" 영자신문에 참샘골소개

페이지 정보

작성자 참샘골 작성일10-09-01 00:56 조회5,540회 댓글0건


08-30-2010 17:18

More Korean farmers embrace Twitter

By Kim Tae-gyu

A decade ago Choi Gen-myung sold pumpkins and earned a paltry 25 million won ($21,000) a year while working on his farm situated in Seosan, South Chungcheong Province.

In 2000, the government introduced a nationwide Internet connection and Choi turned to the web in order to spin greater profits. Over the 10-year period, his annual income jumped 14.4 times to 360 million won last year.

The 56-year-old continues to ride the high tech wave by embracing the latest technology of micro-blogging _ he has just started promoting and selling his agricultural products through Twitter.

``As soon as I learned the amazing potential of electronic commerce, I resorted to every Internet means imaginable including Internet cafes, blogs and homepages. As a result, some 95 percent of our revenue is the result of online sales,’’ Choi said.

``Currently, I started Twitter and that creates real-time functionalities. I can promote new products at any time and at any place through a handset as well as check on client orders around the clock.’’

Choi said that the shift to mobile-blogging services is not so difficult for the farmers who already have experience using the Internet.

``After beginning Twitter two weeks ago, I have drawn approximately 500 followers. Many of my 5,000 previous customers are expected to add me to their list eventually allowing constant and convenient communication.’’

The movement to Twitter is not limited to Choi as more and more farmers are discovering how easy it is to integrate electronic services and thus make more money.

``The number of farming households taking advantage of e-commerce is estimated to be in the neighborhood of 11,000, less than 1 percent of the country’s total 1.2 million,’’ said Oh Sang-heon, an official from the Rural Development Administration (RDA).

``Yet, the proportion is quickly increasing and eventually the figure will total more than 100,000. Many of them are expected to use Twitter as a method of e-commerce.’’

Oh said that the RDA has yet to compile statistics on how many farmers use Twitter to sell their products. Yet, he said that markets combining the online services will grow.

The country’s cyber shopping malls sold a total of 20.6 trillion won last year, around a three-fold rise from 7.8 trillion won in 2004. Among them, farm produce amounted to 650 billion won.

The figure is expected to surpass the 1 trillion-won mark soon with the help of Twitter, which has spread across the country of late based on smartphones becoming more common.

The number of smartphone users has hit 3-million and the figure is projected to double by the end of 2010. In the near future, half of the country’s population is expected to be wielding a smartphone, according to analysts.

``E-commerce has come up with win-win solutions for both producers and customers as it eliminates the middleman. On top of this, Twitter adds real-time features to create more advantages,’’ Oh said.

농민들 트위터 이용 많아져

충남 서산군에서 농사를 짓는 최근명(56)씨는 10년 전 호박 농사를 지어 1년 2,500만원 밖에 수입을 내지 못했다.

2000년 정부가 전국에 인터넷망을 보급시킴으로써 최씨는 웹에 눈을 돌려 더 많은 이익을 냈다. 10년 만에 연간 수입이 14.4배 늘어난 3억 6,000만원이 되었다.

최씨는 마이크로 블로깅이라는 최근 기술을 이용하는 등 첨단 물결을 계속 탔다. 즉 그는 트위터를 통해 농산물을 홍보하고 팔기 시작했다.

최씨는 “전자 상거래의 놀라운 가능성을 알게 되자마자 인터넷 카페와 블로그, 홈피 등 가능한 한 모든 인터넷 수단을 이용했다”며 “이 결과 수입의 약 95%를 온라인을 통해 얻었다”고 말했다.

“현재는 트위터에 뛰어들었으며 이는 실시간 여러 기능을 만들어냈다. 24시간 내내 고객의 주문을 받을 수 있을 뿐 아니라 통신기기를 통해 시간 및 장소와 관련 없이 새로운 생산물을 홍보할 수 있게 됐다.”


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